Ensuring Success in NIDCD’s Return to Physical Workspace Effort

April 13, 2023

Many workplaces faced new challenges transitioning to virtual workspaces during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID control methods have changed throughout the past three years, meaning that organizations may now find themselves evolving their workspaces to meet critical goals. LCG teammates played important roles on the Return to Work team at the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), receiving the coveted NIDCD Director’s Recognition award. 

The Return to Work team at the National institutes of Health (NIH) is a program to support the transition back to a physical workspace. Many departments needed to create flexible workspaces to welcome employees back to a hybrid work environment, while also being mindful of the needs of employees. 

LCG’s Return to Work team at NIDCD coordinated and established hoteling spaces, refit client offices for in-person use, and acclimated users to the new hybrid workplace. The following LCG teammates on the Return to Work team received the NIDCD Director’s Recognition:

  • Dan Berger
  • Christopher Adams
  • Brandon Gomez
  • Hemalben Harkhani
  • Naveen Lanke
  • Dagmawi Jiru