LCG’s Cybersecurity Program enables customers to focus on their mission rather than on information technology

By: Pamela Dillard, CISSP, CAP, PSM1

LCG enables its Federal customers to build FISMA compliant Cybersecurity Programs from the ground up.  Once established, these programs facilitate NIST-compliant security Authorizations and Continuous Monitoring.  Because we maintain insight into the latest Federal guidelines for Cybersecurity we can develop Cybersecurity Programs and Authorization Packages that are FISMA, NIST, and Agency compliant.

Our turnkey approach to Cybersecurity Program development has enabled us to consistently apply protection across customer systems and networks, no matter how diverse or complex, to ensure compliance with an ever-expanding list of Federal Cybersecurity directives. Our approach has enabled our world class health and medical research customers to focus on their mission rather than on information technology.

Our proven method eloquently balances what are seemingly competing objectives—ensuring cybersecurity while employing best practices to reduce costs and level of effort.  Our streamlined methodology is hierarchical, inheriting as much as possible from existing organizational policy and security controls.  The Cybersecurity Programs developed by LCG integrate Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance into an holistic, coordinated program that saves our Federal customers the enormous time and expense of addressing each cybersecurity mandate separately. 

The impact of the LCG method results in an enterprise-wide Cybersecurity Program that consistently protects our customer’s systems and data while keeping them compliant with complex and evolving standards set forth by FISMA and other regulatory directives.

LCG and You, Supporting Our First Responders in the Fight Against COVID-19

First responders and healthcare professionals are on the front lines providing support to communities in the metropolitan District-Maryland-Virginia (DMV) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has placed unprecedented demands on the health care system; this has caused shortages in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Together, LCG assisted first responders, healthcare professionals, and community groups to safely fight this virus and help those risking their lives to protect us.

On Saturday, September 26th, LCG staffers and their family members laced up their sneakers or put air in their bicycle tires to participate in LCG’s Virtual 5k Walk-Run-Bike fundraiser.

LCG in partnership with the First Responders Children’s Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund hosted a Virtual 5K Walk-Run-Bike fundraiser. These funds will go to purchase and dissemination of PPEs to first responders, healthcare professionals and community groups in the DMV.  LCG matched the amount raised by each employee through the fundraiser.


Similar to LCG’s “Work from Home Policy”,  this event was held at local parks, bike and walking trails and communities throughout the DMV.   To ensure safe-distancing and to avoid large crowds, each participant identified a favorite location in their community where they can engage in a 5K walk, run or bike ride.  The chosen activity took place throughout the day of September 26th. 


To date, through the First Responders Children’s Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, 17 grants have been made in Maryland and 139 in Virginia to assist with the purchase of PPEs.  The COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund has also joined forces with the VA Highway Patrol to help in the distribution of the PPE supplies.

Collaborating for success

Our journey at the Health and Human Services (HHS) has allowed LCG to position ourselves to make a significant impact on supporting advances in biomedical research – providing a multitude of technology and grants management services to its constituents. For the National Institutes of Health (NIH), we are a trusted partner delivering managed infrastructure & operations, application services, grants services, cyber security, and other technology-related consulting services to support government-wide technology and grants management initiatives. 

Collaborating for success

Our long-standing experience has allowed our firm to bring a continuous modernization mindset to ensure our clients always are equipped with the most up-to-date tools and solutions to deliver on their mission objectives. LCG is positioned to provide these types of services through a series of Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWAC), and Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA)


COVID-19 Pandemic Response

A message from our CEO Conrad Kenley:

“The Covid-19 Pandemic is changing the world we live in.  I am happy to report that all LCG team members are healthy and are continuing to support our customers in a manner that they have come to expect.  We believe that the new normal, once the Pandemic is controlled, will accelerate the rate of digital transformation our customers will need to accomplish their missions.  LCG stands ready to provide insight and innovation to federal government agencies to remain a step ahead in a digitally dynamic world.”

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It’s been stated that society changes slowly, then all at once. We’re seeing a paradigm shift in how companies and people work with the rapidly accelerating trend of working remotely becoming not purely commonplace, but a necessity. As a result of the novel Coronavirus upending virtually all aspects of modern life as we know it, LCG has, essentially overnight, helped its customers navigate through the challenges of establishing a new remote work environment.

Helping our customers transition into the virtual work space also means ensuring they continue to deliver on their critical missions. LCG continues to provide the necessary on-site and remote support to set-up their remote infrastructure and we are a partner in the technologies, tools, training and implementation that facilitate this new reality. As the country adapts to the issues related to COVID-19, we remain committed to supporting our customers and their missions.

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The primary focus of LCG has always been the health and safety of our employees, their families, and our clients. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began that concern has guided all of the decisions we have made. LCG convened an internal management group to monitor and respond to our employee concerns regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.  The group is responsible for the collection and dissemination of reliable, updated information to our employees.   Now more than ever, LCG is committed empowering our employees.  LCG provides information on safety recommendations from the WHO and CDC, federal and local legislative changes, amendments to benefits and other regulations on the LCG employee website.

We know that 2-way communication is vital for both our people and our company culture, so we conduct video conferencing daily.  This face-to-face time together helps our employees adjust to working remotely and creates personal interaction as we conduct virtual weekly team meetings, and do daily wellness checks.  Technology enables our digital workforce to maintain our human connections regardless of our new remote office location.  It is LCG’s way of embracing the digitally dynamic world that we help Government with each and every day. 

LCG will continue to support our employees, their families, our clients and our communities with our Corporate Social Responsibility partners, The NIH Children’s Inn and Feeding America.  LCG is here – every step of the way. 

Becoming More Resilient with Digital Technology

LCG’s journey of successfully bringing people, processes, and technology together – continues even in these challenging times in our society. 

Today we are faced with unprecedented levels of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a business with tenured success, what distinguishes LCG is our people, who continue to lead, strategize, and plan for positive outcomes in challenging times. Providing dedicated project oversight and continually capturing lessons learned is an integral part of LCG’s Management Framework. As we entered into the mandatory work-at-home support phase, our teams quickly had to evolve to embrace digital workplace tools to stay connected and help our customers. 

We optimized the use of digital workspace tools, and the following is a sampling of tasks our teams provided to ensure business continuity and minimize disruption risk for our customers. 

  • Provided Microsoft Teams Channels and SharePoint Online Features and expanded teleconferencing capabilities through Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, Skype for Business, Microsoft Whiteboard, and Balsamiq for virtually sharing ideas.
  • Scaled LCG’s Training Program to cover digital workplace tools such as Zoom, OneDrive, Teams, more frequently to reach a broader audience. 
  • Used tools such as Bomgar, Goverlan, Zoho Assist and Face Time to provide end-user technical support
  • Implemented on-site appointments for new staff orientation, hardware break/fix, and endpoint handoffs (All on-site visits and activities are tracked using a sign-in and detailed activities sheet. All on-site support was conducted with proper Personal Protective Equipment and thorough sanitization of all physical equipment before and after.)
  • Evaluated solutions on low-code platforms (SharePoint Online, ServiceNow) to bring solutions to market quickly. 
  • Through the Application Review Model, managed the grant peer-review process virtual environment.

The pressure continues to maintain social distancing, while organizations implement plans to “return to the physical work space.” Here at LCG, we empower our employees and customer to adopt digital tools to stay connected and collaborate to deliver on agency missions – And we continue to expand our digital resiliency to boost productivity for organizational success. 

NGMA hosts Virtual Summit in response to COVID-19 Pandemic

LCG has been a Corporate Alliance Partnership Program (CAPP) member for The National Grants Management Association (NGMA) for over five years. LCG’s Grants Management team attends and supports the NGMA Annual Grants Training conference.  This event is an annual touch point for best practices and new requirements within the Grants Management environment. It provides our team with a venue to meet and discuss changes in Grants with industry stakeholders as well as partners and clients. 

This April proved challenging with the COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of onsite meetings and events to be held in the Metro DC area.  NGMA immediately pivoted their event to become the first Virtual Grants Training & Summit. LCG staff participated in multiple virtual sessions, visited with the staff in the Federal Foyer and engaged in attendee conversations via the virtual platform. 

 For LCG the move to virtual aligns with our first impact in the Grants space when we transition the Federal onsite peer review process to a remote environment. Since these early successes we have steadily increased our presence with the Federal Grants Landscape as we partner with our clients to re‐envision there grant systems and the associated support processes.

Another example of LCG providing Insight with Impact.

Providing Insights to Impact Missions

The relaunching of our website comes at a crucial time in our journey – a journey of successfully bringing people, processes, and technology together as we enter into the modern-day digital ecosystem. LCG is a firm that is at the forefront of technology advancements, providing solutions to deliver on missions for our federal clients.

Our refined service areas are designed to help our partners, peers, and employees navigate the digital ecosystem, improving on and transforming government technology priorities. We bring holistic domain expertise combined with innovative thought processes with our deep understanding of federal IT to support these missions.

We are a cohesive team of individuals whose objective is to use digital capabilities and creative thinking to empower our customers and their journeys. We do this by taking time to listen and understand the needs of our constituents, thereby being able to design and implement precision customer experiences tailored to each federal environment.

Over the past decades, gaining insights is how we provide such precision support, coupled with our employees, who bring energy, aptitude, and willingness to provide Impact on addressing challenging needs for our customers. It is our employees who are digital at the core, bringing a continuous innovation mindset to our federal partners to meet their agency goals and objectives. 

The story of LCG from the people of LCG

Luana Fernandes

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Sebastien Morizet

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Monica Yang

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Introducing LCG’s First Annual Hackathon!

5 Teams
3 Days
1 Cash Prize

On Friday December 13th – Sunday December 15th 5 teams will go head to head to  collaborate, develop, compete, and code!

The winner will receive $5,000

Eligible participants:

  • LCG Staff
  • Ability to Code
  • Can lead and motivate
  • Can make a difference

Stay tuned to find out which team will take home the grand prize!


LCG’s first annual Hackathon brought 5 teams together to compete to build web based solutions using micro services and open services.

Teams were judged on team cadence, agility, digital thinking and the use of disruptive technologies.

 The winning team was awarded $5,000!

Pictured above is Schrodinger’s Cats with our CEO, Conrad Kenley

Photos from LCG’s First Annual Hackathon

6 Ways to Overcome Holiday and End of Year Stress

The holidays can be a stressful time for many of us, to remove the overwhelm here are six tips to help you maintain your sanity so you can truly enjoy this wonderful time of year.

Holiday Stress: Traveling

The holiday season is the busiest time of the year for long-distance travel. Flights are often overbooked, and highways are overcrowded, which can add stress to the season. Use the following tips below:

  1. Plan ahead – Check commute times, if driving.  Try to do most driving during non-rush hour times to avoid bad traffic.
  2. Air Travel– Allow plenty of extra time at the Airport.
  3. Weather– Have an alternate plan in case of inclement weather.
  1. Do not leave the house on an empty stomach– it encourages overeating
  2. Avoid standing near the food table at get-togethers– it is not the worst place to be but a sure-fire way to overindulge. 
  3. Socialize– This will help to keep you occupied and away from helping yourself to all the treats and goodies.

Corporate Social Responsibility Corner – Team PMO Takes Home the Gold!

Ok so we didn’t give them gold, they did however win these beautiful LCG jackets and and shiny trophy award.

The team award recognizes the collective efforts of an outstanding group of employees who worked together to complete a project that supported LCG’s Corporate Social Responsibility mission.

Our first team to win this award was the PMO team. The PMO Team embraced the spirit of collaboration as they donated enough supplies to fill over twelve backpacks (each backpack holds about 30 items) for our LCG Annual Backpack Drive, as well as assisted the CSR committee with preparing remaining backpacks with donated supplies. Congratulations to Carlene Carter, Beverly Tarrant, and Freddie Thomas for their generosity and teamwork!

The winning team received LCG jackets and were the recipients of the LCG CSR Volunteer Team Award at the November Corporate monthly lunch. The team will hold their title and the award until our next team volunteer event in the first quarter of 2020. If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved, contact the CSR team at
